Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cognitive science Essay

Stylistics is the study and interpretation of texts from a linguistic perspective. As a discipline it links literary criticism and linguistics, but has no autonomous domain of its own. [1][2] The preferred object of stylistic studies is literature, but not exclusively â€Å"high literature† but also other forms of written texts such as text from the domains of advertising, pop culture, politics or religion. [3] Stylistics also attempts to establish principles capable of explaining the particular choices made by individuals and social groups in their use of language, such as socialisation, the production and reception of meaning, critical discourse analysis and literary criticism. Other features of stylistics include the use of dialogue, including regional accents and people’s dialects, descriptive language, the use of grammar, such as the active voice or passive voice, the distribution of sentence lengths, the use of particular language registers, etc. In addition, stylistics is a distinctive term that may be used to determine the connections between the form and effects within a particular variety of language. Therefore, stylistics looks at what is ‘going on’ within the language; what the linguistic associations are that the style of language reveals. * | Early twentieth century The analysis of literary style goes back to Classical rhetoric, but modern stylistics has its roots in Russian Formalism,[4] and the related Prague School, in the early twentieth century. In 1909, Charles Bally’s Traite de stylistique francaise had proposed stylistics as a distinct academic discipline to complement Saussurean linguistics. For Bally, Saussure’s linguistics by itself couldn’t fully describe the language of personal expression. [5] Bally’s programme fitted well with the aims of the Prague School. [6] Building on the ideas of the Russian Formalists, the Prague School developed the concept of foregrounding, whereby poetic language stands out from the background of non-literary language by means of deviation (from the norms of everyday language) or parallelism. [7] According to the Prague School, the background language isn’t fixed, and the relationship between poetic and everyday language is always shifting. [8] Late twentieth century Roman Jakobson had been an active member of the Russian Formalists and the Prague School, before emigrating to America in the 1940s. He brought together Russian Formalism and American New Criticism in his Closing Statement at a conference on stylistics at Indiana University in 1958. [9] Published as Linguistics and Poetics in 1960, Jakobson’s lecture is often credited with being the first coherent formulation of stylistics, and his argument was that the study of poetic language should be a sub-branch of linguistics. [10] The poetic function was one of six general functions of language he described in the lecture. Michael Halliday is an important figure in the development of British stylistics. [11] His 1971 study Linguistic Function and Literary Style: An Inquiry into the Language of William Golding’s ‘The Inheritors’ is a key essay. [12] One of Halliday’s contributions has been the use of the term register to explain the connections between language and its context. [13] For Halliday register is distinct from dialect. Dialect refers to the habitual language of a particular user in a specific geographical or social context. Register describes the choices made by the user,[14] choices which depend on three variables: field (â€Å"what the participants†¦ are actually engaged in doing†, for instance, discussing a specific subject or topic),[15] tenor (who is taking part in the exchange) and mode (the use to which the language is being put). Fowler comments that different fields produce different language, most obviously at the level of vocabulary (Fowler. 1996, 192) The linguist David Crystal points out that Halliday’s ‘tenor’ stands as a roughly equivalent term for ‘style’, which is a more specific alternative used by linguists to avoid ambiguity. (Crystal. 1985, 292) Halliday’s third category, mode, is what he refers to as the symbolic organisation of the situation. Downes recognises two distinct aspects within the category of mode and suggests that not only does it describe the relation to the medium: written, spoken, and so on, but also describes the genre of the text. (Downes. 1998, 316) Halliday refers to genre as pre-coded language, language that has not simply been used before, but that predetermines the selection of textual meanings. The linguist William Downes makes the point that the principal characteristic of register, no matter how peculiar or diverse, is that it is obvious and immediately recognisable. (Downes. 1998, 309) Literary stylistics In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, Crystal observes that, in practice, most stylistic analysis has attempted to deal with the complex and ‘valued’ language within literature, i. e.  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœliterary stylistics’. He goes on to say that in such examination the scope is sometimes narrowed to concentrate on the more striking features of literary language, for instance, its ‘deviant’ and abnormal features, rather than the broader structures that are found in whole texts or discourses. For example, the compact language of poetry is more likely to reveal the secrets of its construction to the stylistician than is the language of plays and novels. (Crystal. 1987, 71). Poetry As well as conventional styles of language there are the unconventional – the most obvious of which is poetry. In Practical Stylistics, HG Widdowson examines the traditional form of the epitaph, as found on headstones in a cemetery. For example: His memory is dear today As in the hour he passed away. (Ernest C. Draper ‘Ern’. Died 4. 1. 38) (Widdowson. 1992, 6) Widdowson makes the point that such sentiments are usually not very interesting and suggests that they may even be dismissed as ‘crude verbal carvings’ and crude verbal disturbance (Widdowson, 3). Nevertheless, Widdowson recognises that they are a very real attempt to convey feelings of human loss and preserve affectionate recollections of a beloved friend or family member. However, what may be seen as poetic in this language is not so much in the formulaic phraseology but in where it appears. The verse may be given undue reverence precisely because of the sombre situation in which it is placed. Widdowson suggests that, unlike words set in stone in a graveyard, poetry is unorthodox language that vibrates with inter-textual implications. (Widdowson. 1992, 4) Two problems with a stylistic analysis of poetry are noted by PM Wetherill in Literary Text: An Examination of Critical Methods. The first is that there may be an over-preoccupation with one particular feature that may well minimise the significance of others that are equally important. (Wetherill. 1974, 133) The second is that any attempt to see a text as simply a collection of stylistic elements will tend to ignore other ways whereby meaning is produced. (Wetherill. 1974, 133) Implicature In ‘Poetic Effects’ from Literary Pragmatics, the linguist Adrian Pilkington analyses the idea of ‘implicature’, as instigated in the previous work of Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson. Implicature may be divided into two categories: ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ implicature, yet between the two extremes there are a variety of other alternatives. The strongest implicature is what is emphatically implied by the speaker or writer, while weaker implicatures are the wider possibilities of meaning that the hearer or reader may conclude. Pilkington’s ‘poetic effects’, as he terms the concept, are those that achieve most relevance through a wide array of weak implicatures and not those meanings that are simply ‘read in’ by the hearer or reader. Yet the distinguishing instant at which weak implicatures and the hearer or reader’s conjecture of meaning diverge remains highly subjective. As Pilkington says: ‘there is no clear cut-off point between assumptions which the speaker certainly endorses and assumptions derived purely on the hearer’s responsibility. ’ (Pilkington. 1991, 53) In addition, the stylistic qualities of poetry can be seen as an accompaniment to Pilkington’s poetic effects in understanding a poem’s meaning. Stylistics is a valuable if long-winded approach to criticism, and compels attention to the poem’s details. Two of the three simple exercises performed here show that the poem is deficient in structure, and needs to be radically recast. The third sheds light on its content. Introduction Stylistics applies linguistics to literature in the hope of arriving at analyses which are more broadly based, rigorous and objective. {1} The pioneers were the Prague and Russian schools, but their approaches have been appropriated and extended in recent years by radical theory. Stylistics can be evaluative (i. e.judge the literary worth on stylistic criteria), but more commonly attempts to simply analyze and describe the workings of texts which have already been selected as noteworthy on other grounds. Analyses can appear objective, detailed and technical, even requiring computer assistance, but some caution is needed. Linguistics is currently a battlefield of contending theories, with no settlement in sight. Many critics have no formal training in linguistics, or even proper reading, and are apt to build on theories (commonly those of Saussure or Jacobson) that are inappropriate and/or no longer accepted. Some of the commonest terms, e. g. deep structure, foregrounding, have little or no experimental support. {2} Linguistics has rather different objectives, moreover: to study languages in their entirety and generality, not their use in art forms. Stylistic excellence — intelligence, originality, density and variety of verbal devices — play their part in literature, but aesthetics has long recognized that other aspects are equally important: fidelity to experience, emotional shaping, significant content. Stylistics may well be popular because it regards literature as simply part of language and therefore (neglecting the aesthetic dimension) without a privileged status, which allows the literary canon to be replaced by one more politically or sociologically acceptable. {3} Why then employ stylistics at all? Because form is important in poetry, and stylistics has the largest armoury of analytical weapons. Moreover, stylistics need not be reductive and simplistic. There is no need to embrace Jacobson’s theory that poetry is characterized by the projection of the paradigmatic axis onto the syntagmatic one. {4} Nor accept Bradford’s theory of a double spiral: {5} literature has too richly varied a history to be fitted into such a straitjacket. Stylistics suggests why certain devices are effective, but does not offer recipes, any more than theories of musical harmony explains away the gifts of individual composers. Some stylistic analysis is to be found in most types of literary criticism, and differences between the traditional, New Criticism and Stylistics approaches are often matters of emphasis. Style is a term of approbation in everyday use (â€Å"that woman has style†, etc.), and may be so for traditional and New Criticism. But where the first would judge a poem by reference to typical work of the period (Jacobean, Romantic, Modernist, etc. ), or according to genre, the New Criticism would probably simply note the conventions, explain what was unclear to a modern audience, and then pass on to a detailed analysis in terms of verbal density, complexity, ambiguity, etc. To the Stylistic critic, however, style means simply how something is expressed, which can be studied in all language, aesthetic and non-aesthetic. {6} Stylistics is a  very technical subject, which hardly makes for engrossing, or indeed uncontentious, {7} reading. The treatment here is very simple: just the bare bones, with some references cited. Under various categories the poem is analyzed in a dry manner, the more salient indications noted, and some recommendations made in Conclusions. Published Examples of Stylistic Literary Criticism G. N. Leech’s A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry (1969) Laura Brown’s Alexander Pope (1985) Roy Lewis’s On Reading French Verse: A Study in Poetic Form (1982) George Wright’s Shakespeare’s Metrical Art. (1988) Richard Bradford’s A Linguistic History of English Poetry (1993) Poem The Architects But, as you’d expect, they are very Impatient, the buildings, having much in them Of the heavy surf of the North Sea, flurrying The grit, lifting the pebbles, flinging them With a hoarse roar against the aggregate They are composed of — the cliffs higher of course, More burdensome, underwritten as It were with past days overcast And glinting, obdurate, part of the Silicate of tough lives, distant and intricate As the whirring bureaucrats let in And settled with coffee in the concrete pallets, Awaiting the post and the department meeting — Except that these do not know it, at least do not Seem to, being busy, generally. So perhaps it is only on those cloudless, almost Vacuumed afternoons with tier upon tier Of concrete like rib-bones packed above them, And they light-headed with the blue airiness Spinning around, and muzzy, a neuralgia Calling at random like frail relations, a phone Ringing in a distant office they cannot get to, That they become attentive, or we do — these Divisions persisting, indeed what we talk about, We, constructing these webs of buildings which, Caulked like great whales about us, are always. Aware that some trick of the light or weather Will dress them as friends, pleading and flailing — And fill with placid but unbearable melodies Us in deep hinterlands of incurved glass.  © C. John Holcombe 1997 Metre Though apparently iambic, with five stresses to the line, the metre shows many reversals and substitutions. Put at its simplest, with: / representing a strong stress representing a weak stress x representing no stress, and trying to fit lines into a pentameters, we have -| /| x| x| x| /| -| | x| /| x| | But| as| you’d| ex| pect| | they| are| ve| ry| x| /| x| x| /| x| /| x| | x| x| Im| pat| ient| the| build| ings,| hav| ing| much| in| them| x| x| | x| /| x| x| | /| /| x x| Of| the| heav| y| surf| of| the| North| Sea,| flurr| ying| x| /| -| /| x| x| /| x| /| x| | The| grit,| | lift| ing| the| pebbl| es,| fling| ing| them| | x| /| -| /| x| | x| /| x| | With| a| hoarse| | roar| a| gainst| the| agg| re| gate| x| | x| /| | x| /| /| x| x| /| They| are| com| posed| of,| the| cliffs| high| er| of| course| | /| x| | -| /| x| / | x| | | More| burd| en| some,| | un| der| writ| ten| as| | x| /| x| /| -| /| -| /| x| /| | It| were| with| past| | days| | o| ver| cast| | x| /| x| | /| x| | -| /| x| x| And | glit| ter| ing,| ob| du| rate,| | part| of| the| -| /| x x x| /| -| /| -| /| x x| /| x x| | Sil| icate of| tough| | lives| | dist| ant and| in| tricate| -| | x| /| x| /| x| | -| /| x| | As| the| whir| ring| bu| reau| crats| | let| in| x| /| x x| /| x| | x| /| x| /| x| And | set| tled with| cof| fee| in| the| con| crete| pal| lets| x| /| x x| /| x| | x| /| x| /| x| A| wait| ing the| post| and| the| de| part| ment| meet| ing| x| | x| /| x | /| x| x| | /| x| Ex| cept| that| these| do not| know| it, | at| least| do| not| -| /| x| /| x| /| x| /| x| | x| | Seem| to| be| ing| bus| y| gen| ER| all| y| | x| /| x x| /| x| | x| /| x| /| x| So| per| haps| it is| on| ly| on| those| cloud| less| al| most| -| /| x| /| x| | x| /| x x| | /| x| | Vac| uumed| af| ter| noons| with| ti| ER u| pon| ti| ER| x| /| x| | /| /| -| /| x| /| x| | Of| con| Crete| like| rib| bones| | packed| a| bove| them| | x| /| | /| x| | x| /| /| x| | | And | they| light| head| ed,| with| the| blue| air| i| ness| | -| /| x x| /| x| /| x| | x| /| x x| | | Spin| ning a| round| and| muz| zy,| a| neu| ral| gia| | -| /| x x| /| x x| /| x| /| x x| /| | | Cal| ling at| ran| dom like| frail| re| lat| ions a| phone| | -| /| x x x| /| x| /| x x| /| x| /| x| | Ring| ing in a| dist| ant| of| fice they| can| not| get| to| x| /| x| /| x| /| x x| /| /-| | | That| they| be| come| at| ten| tive, or| we| do| these| | x| /| x x| /| x x| /| | x| /| x| /| Di| vis| ions per| sist| ing, in| deed| what| we| talk| a| bout| -| /| x| /| x x| /| x| /| x| | | | We,| con| struct| ing these| webs| of| build| ings| which| | -| /| x| /| | /| x| /| x x| /| x| | Caulk| Ed | like| great| whales| a| bout| us are| al| ways| x| /| x x| /| x x| /| x| /| x| | | A| ware| that some| trick| of the| light| or| weath| ER| | | | /| x x| /| -| /| x x| /| x| | | Will| dress| them as| friends| | plead| ing and| flail| ing| | | x| /| x| /| x| | x| /| x x| /| x x| And| fill| with| plac| id| but | UN| bear| able | mel| odies| -| /| x| | -| /| x x x| /| | /| | | Us | in| deep| | hint| erlands of| in| curved| glass| | Poets learn to trust their senses, but even to the experienced writer these (tedious) exercises can pinpoint what the ear suspects is faulty, suggest where improvements lie, and show how the metre is making for variety, broad consistency, shaping of the argument and emotive appeal. Though other scansions are certainly possible in the lines above, the most striking feature will remain their irregularity. Many lines can only roughly be called pentameters; Lines 16 and 17 are strictly hexameters; and lines 27 and 28 are tetrameters. In fact, the lines do not read like blank verse. The rhythm is not iambic in many areas, but trochaic, and indeed insistently dactylic in lines 9 and 10, 21 and 22 and 28. Line 27 is predominantly anapaestic, and line 3 could (just) be scanned: x x| / x| /| x x | /| | /| x x | Of the| heavy| surf| of the North| Sea| | flurr| ying| Reflective or meditative verse is generally written in the iambic pentameter, and for good reason — the benefit of past examples, readers’ expectations, and because the iambic is the closest to everyday speech: flexible, unemphatic, expressing a wide range of social registers. Blank verse for the stage may be very irregular but this, predominantly, is a quiet poem, with the falling rhythms inducing a mood of reflection if not melancholy. What is being attempted? Suppose we set out the argument (refer to rhetorical and other analyses), tabbing and reverse tabbing as the reflections as they seem more or less private: {8} 1. But, as you’d expect, 2. they are very impatient, the buildings, 3. having much in them of the heavy surf of the North Sea, 4. flurrying the grit, 5. lifting the pebbles, 6. flinging them with a hoarse roar against the aggregate they are composed of — the 7. cliffs higher of course, more 8. burdensome, 9. underwritten as it were with past days 10. overcast and glinting, 11. obdurate, 12. part of the silicate of tough lives, 13. distant and intricate as 14. the whirring bureaucrats 15. let in and settled with coffee in the concrete pallets, awaiting the post and the department meeting — 16. except that these do not know it, 17. at least do not seem to, being busy, 18. generally. 19. So perhaps it is only on those cloudless, almost vacuumed afternoons with tier upon tier of concrete like rib — bones packed above them, and 20. they light-headed 21. with the blue airiness spinning around, and 22. muzzy, a 23. neuralgia calling at random like 24. frail relations, a 25. phone ringing in a distant office they cannot get to, that 26. They become attentive, 27. or we do — 28. these divisions persisting, 29. indeed what we talk about, 30. we, constructing these webs of buildings which 31. caulked like great whales about us, are 32. always aware that some trick of the light or weather will dress them as friends, 33. pleading and flailing — and 34. fill with placid but unbearable melodies 35. us in deep hinterlands of incurved glass. The structure should now be clear. Where Eliot created new forms by stringing together unremarkable pentameters, {8} this poem attempts the reverse: to recast an irregular ode-like structure as pentameters. And not over-successfully: many of the rhythms seemed unduly confined. But once returned to the form of an eighteenth century Pindaric ode, however unfashionable today, the lines regain a structure and integrity. Each starts with a marked stress and then tails away, a feature emphasized by the sound patterns. {9} Sound Patterning To these sound patterns we now turn, adapting the International Phonetic Alphabet to HTML restrictions: 1. But | as | you’d | expect | u | a | U | e e | b t | z | y d | ksp kt | 2. They | are | very | impatient | the | buildings | A | a(r) | e E | i A e | e | i i | th | – | v r | mp sh nt | th | b ld ngz | 3. Having | much | in | them | of | the | heavy | surf | of | the | North | Sea | a i | u | i | e | o | e | e | e(r) | o | e | aw | E | h v ng | m ch | n | th m | v | th | h v | s f | v | th | n th | s | 4. flurrying | the | grit | u E i | e | i | fl r ng | th | gr t | 5. lifting | the | pebbles | i i | e | e | l ft ng | th | p b lz | 6. flinging | them | with | a | hoarse | roar | against | the | aggregate | they | are | composed | of | i i | e | i | e | aw | aw | e A | e | a E A | A | a(r) | o O | o | fl ng ng | th m | w th | – | h s | r | g nst | th | gr g t | th | – | k MP zd | v | 7. the | cliffs | higher | of | course | more | e | i | I e | o | aw | aw | th | kl fs | h | v | s | m | 8. burdensome | u(r) e e | b d ns m | 9. underwritten | as | it | were | with | past | days | u e i e | a | i | (e)r | i | a(r) | A | nd r t n | z | t | w | w | p st | d z | 10. overcast | and | glinting | O e(r) a(r) | a | i i | v k St | nd | gl NT ng | 11. obdurate | o U A | bd r t | 12. part | of | the | silicate | of | tough | lives | (a)r | o | e | i i A | o | u | I | p t | f | th | s l k t | v | t f | l vz | 13. distant | and | intricate | i a | a | i i e | d St NT | nd | NT r k t | 14. as | the | whirring | bureaucrats | a | e | e(r) i | U O a | z | th | w r ng | b r kr ts | 15. let | in | and | settled | with | coffee | in | the | concrete | pallets | e | i | a | e ie | i | o E | i | e | o E | a e | l t | n | nd | s tl d | w th | k f | n | th | k Kr t | p l Ts | awaiting | the | post | and | the | department | meeting | e A i | e | O | a | e | E e | E i | w t ng | th | p St | nd | th | d p tm NT | m t ng | 16. except | that | these | do | not | know | it | e e | a | E | U | o | O | i | ks pt | th | th z | d | n t | n | t | 17. at | least | do | not | seem | to | being | busy | a | E | U | o | E | U | E i | i E | t | l St | d | n t | s m | t | b ng | b z >/td> | 18.generally | e e a E | j nr l | 19. so | perhaps | it | is | only | on | those | cloudless | almost | vacuumed | afternoons | O | e(r) a | i | i | O | o | O | ou e | aw O | a U | a(r) e oo | s | p h ps | t | z | nl | n | th z | kl dl s | lm St | v k md | ft n nz | with | tier | upon | tier | of | concrete | like | rib | bones | packed | above | them | and | i | E e(r) | e o | E e(r) | o | o E | I | i | O | a | e u | e | a | w th | t | p n | t | v | k nkr t | l k | r b | b nz | p Kt | b v | th m | nd | 20. they | light | headed | A | I | e e | th | l t | h d d | 21. with | the | blue | airiness | spinning | around | and | i | e | U | (A)r i e | i i | e ou | a | w th | th | bl | r n s | sp n ng | r nd | nd | 22. muzzy | a | u E | e | m z | – | 23. neuralgia | calling | at | random | like | U a E a | aw i | a | a o | I | n r lj | k l ng | t | r nd m | l k | 24. frail | relations | a | A | e A e | e | fr l | r l zh nz | – | 25. phone | ringing | in | a | distant | office | they | cannot | get | to | that | O | i i | i | e | i a | o i | A | a o | e | oo | a | | f n | r ng ng | n | – | d St NT | f s | th | k n t | g t | t | th | | 26. they | become | attentive | A | E u | a e i | th | b k m | t NT v | 27. or | we | do | aw | E | oo | – | w | d | 28. these | divisions | persisting | E | i i e | e(r) i i | th z | d v zh nz | p s St ng | 29. indeed | what | we | talk | about | i E | o | E | aw | e ou | in d | wh t | w | t k | b t | 30. we | constructing | these | webs | of | buildings | which | E | o u i | E | e | o | i i | i | w | k nz str Kt ng | th z | w bs | v | b ld ngz | wh Ch | 31. caulked | like | great | whales | about | us | are | aw | I | A | A | e ou | u | a(r) | k kd | l k | gr t | w lz | b t | s | – | 32. always | aware | that | some | trick | of | the | light | or | weather | will | dress | them | as | friends | aw A | e (A)r | a | u | i | o | e | I | aw | e e(r) | i | e | e | a | e | lw z | w | th t | s m | tr k | v | th | l t | – | w th | w l | dr s | th m | z | Fr ndz | 33. pleading | and | flailing | E i | a | A i | pl d ng | nd | fl l ng | 34. will | fill | with | placid | but | unbearable | melodies | i | i | i | a i | u | u A(r) a e | e O E | f l | w th | PL s d | b t | n b r b l | m l d z | | 35. us | in | deep | hinterlands | of | incurved | glass | u | i | E | i e a | o | i e(r) | a(r) | s | n | d p | h NT l ndz | v | nk v d | GL s | Sound in poetry is an immensely complicated and contentious subject. Of the seventeen different employments listed by Masson {10} we consider seven: 1. Structural emphasis All sections are structurally emphasized to some extent, but note the use (in decreasing hardness) of * plosive consonants in sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 10-13, 19, 28-50; 31 and 35. * fricative and aspirate consonants in sections 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 19, 25, 28, 32, 35. * liquid and nasal consonants in sections 3, 4, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 31-35. Also: * predominance of front vowels — in all sections but 6, 7, 11, 16, 17, 19 and 31. * predominance of vowels in intermediate positions — only sections 16 and 17 having several high vowels and section 3 low vowels. 2. Tagging of sections Note sections 1, 7, 13 and 15. 3. Indirect support of argument by related echoes * Widely used, most obviously in sections 3-7, 12-13, and 15. 4. Illustrative mime: mouth movements apes expression * Sections 2, 6, 11-13, 19, 31 and 35. 5. Illustrative painting * Sections 3-6, 10-13, 15, 19 and 33. Most sections are closely patterned in consonants. Those which aren’t (and therefore need attention if consistency is to be maintained) are perhaps 8, 9, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 and 27. Originally the poem was cast in the form of irregular pentameters. But if this is set aside in favour of the 35 sections listed above, how are these sections to be linked in a self-evident and pleasing form? A little is accomplished by alliteration: * f in sections 3 to 7. * s and t in sections 12 to 15 * w in sections 29 to 32 And also by the predominance of front and intermediate level vowels, but these do not amount to much. Certainly we do not find that the overall shaping of the poem emphasizes the argument or content. Sociolinguistics Language is not a neutral medium but comes with the contexts, ideologies and social intentions of its speakers written in. Words are living entities, things which are constantly being employed and only half taken over: carrying opinions, assertions, beliefs, information, emotions and intentions of others, which we partially accept and modify. In this sense speech is dialogic, has an internal polemic, and Bakhtin’s insights into the multi-layered nature of language (heteroglossia) can be extended to poetry. {11} Much of Postmodernist writing tries to be very unliterary, incorporating the raw material of everyday speech and writing into its creations. This poem seems rather different, a somewhat remote tone and elevated diction applying throughout. Let us see what’s achieved by grouping under the various inflections of the speaking voice. * urgently confidential But, as you’d expect, cliffs higher, of course, that they become attentive or we do * obsessively repetitious flurrying the grit, lifting the pebbles, flinging them†¦ burdensome, underwritten†¦ overcast and glinting, obdurate * over-clever silicate of tough lives  distant and intricate constructing these webs of buildings distracted and/or light-headed except that these do not know it at least do not seem to with the blue airiness spinning around calling at random like frail relations * melancholic and/or reflective some trick of the light or weather will dress them as friends pleading and flailing and fill with placid but unbearable melodies. The exercise hardly provides revelation. Heteroglossia is an interweaving of voices, moreover, not shifts of tone or reference. And yet there is something very odd about the opening line. Why should we expect the buildings to be very impatient? This is more than the orator’s trick of attracting attention, since the animate nature of buildings and their constituents is referred to throughout the poem. To be more exact, the attitude of the inhabitants — observers, bureaucrats, architects — to the buildings is developed by the poem, and is paralleled by the tone. But why the confidential and repetitious attitude at the beginning. Why should we be buttonholed in this manner? Why the But, which seems to point to an earlier conversation, and the urgency with which that earlier conversation is being refuted or covered up? Because the blame for something is being shifted to the buildings. What error has been committed we do not know, but in mitigation we are shown the effect of the buildings on other inhabitants. Or perhaps we are. In fact the whirring bureaucrats seem to grow out of the fabric of buildings, and we do not really know if the we, constructing these webs of buildings is meant literally or metaphorically. The poem’s title suggests literally, but perhaps these constructions are only of the mind: sections 17, 20-29, 32 and 34 refer to attitudes rather than actions, and there is an ethereal or otherworldly atmosphere to the later section of the poem. So we return to heteroglossia, which is not simply borrowed voices, but involves an internal polemic, {12} that private dialogue we conduct between our private thoughts and their acceptable public expression. The dialogue is surely here between the brute physicality of a nature made overpoweringly real and the fail brevity of human lives. That physicality is threatening and unnerving. If the we of the later section of the poem is indeed architects then that physicality is harnessed to practical ends. If the constructing is purely mental then the treatment is through attitudes, mindsets, philosophies. But in neither case does it emasculate the energy of the physical world. Architects may leave monuments behind them, but they are also imprisoned in those monuments (us in deep hinterlands) and hearing all the time the homesick voice of their constituents. Conclusions: Suggested Improvements The greatest difficulty lies in the poem’s structure. An pentameter form has been used to give a superficial unity, but this wrenches the rhythm, obscures the sound patterns and does nothing for the argument. If recast in sections defined by rhythm and sound pattern the form is too irregular to have artistic autonomy. A return could be made to the eighteenth century Pindaric ode in strict metre and rhyme, but would require extensive and skilful rewriting, and probably appear artificial. A prose poem might be the answer, but the rhythms would need to be more fluid and subtly syncopated. Otherwise, blank verse should be attempted, and the metre adjusted accordingly. The internal polemic is a valuable dimension of the poem, but more could be done to make the voices distinct. http://www. textetc. com/criticism/stylistics. html1. On StylisticsIs cognitive stylistics the future of stylistics? To answer this question in the essay that follows, I will briefly discuss Elena Semino and Jonathan Culpeper’s Cognitive Stylistics (2003), Paul Simpson’s Stylistics (2004), and a recent essay by Michael Burke (2005). However, because questions are like trains – one may hide another – any discussion of the future of stylistics raises intractable questions about stylistics itself. French students of stylistics, for example, will come across definitions of the discipline like the following. According to Brigitte Buffard-Moret, â€Å"si les definitions de †¦ [la stylistique] – que certains refusent de considerer comme une scien

Human Race

A response to Mark Twain’s â€Å"The Lowest Animal† (1896) By: Thanusha Sritharan Is the human race cruel or just selfish? The human race is one of many distinct species in the world. Human beings share most of their traits and behaviors with other animals. The act of cruelty and violence to one another is one of the behaviors that humans differ from animals. In the essay â€Å"The Lowest Animal† (1896), Mark Twain claims that man can be cruel and wasteful in his lifetime. Although his statement does not imply to all humans, the moral sense enables us to do wrong.With the proof of news reports and media it is evident that man is cruel to animals, the society and to their household. When compared to people, dogs are known as a man’s best friend. Even though they are four-legged canines, dogs have a heart like gold. Dogs are also known for their ability to help people with visual impairments. They are very loyal and lovable to their owners and others. A stud y conducted by Mark Franz states that dogs happen to have a higher level of decency when compared to humans. In Toronto, a 32-year old woman, Alice Marcial, strangled her pet dog Jacob to death.This news article is very relevant to Mark Twain’s quote â€Å"Of all animals man is the one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it† (pg. 238). Not only do humans find pleasure by inflicting pain on animals but they also engage in public killings as a source of entertainment. Many people in the world live their life according to their sets of beliefs and values. In the world we live in today people feel the need to judge and have a say in others life choices. In Papua New Guinea, a mob tortured a group of woman who was accused of witchcraft.This mob tortured this group alive in front of hundreds of horrified witnesses including their family. To support this news article a quote my Mark Twain can be used, â€Å"Man is a religious animal † (pg. 237). This quote proves the fact that a man loves his religion and he only plays by his religion. Although witchcraft is not a religion it is something that group believed in. The act of shunning someone based on their religious choices is morally wrong and should not lead to any form abuse or death. In third world countries people abuse children in my different ways just to teach them a lesson.This happens every single day to millions of children around the world. Child abuse is something not to be taken easily. It is seen as a major social problem and it is one of many causes of the children’s death. For example, in Saudi Arabia a five-year-old Saudi girl was beaten to death by her father when in front of her entire family. There was no specific reason for this abuse but it cost the life of a five-year old girl. This news article can be supported by a Mark Twain quote, â€Å"Man is a cruel animal† (pg. 237).This quote proves the fact that man could do an ything to accomplish something regardless of who the victim is. With the proof of news reports and a study it is evident that man is descended from animals. Some people choose to do evil things even though they have conscious of what they are doing. A reason why people do this is because the moral sense enables men to do wrong. In the world we live today everyone makes mistakes. In fact this is not an excuse to make a cruel, unforgiving fault that could change yours or that person’s life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Mother: The Most Important Person in My Life Essay

The most important in my life is my mother because she is really all I have, she is my motivation, and she helps me live through all my struggles. I wouldn’t be able now to enjoy this minute of my life writing this essay without my mother. My mother has brought me to this wonderful world. For nine months she carried me, she felt very bad, but did not refuse, and gave birth to me. My mom is the most positive and important influence on my life. Another reason why my mother is the most important person in my life is because she is always with me, when I’m happy and when I’m sad. She helps me with hard problems in my life, and she is glad for some good things I do. She helped me from the first, day I was born. She fed me; she didn’t sleep for many nights, only to make me comfortable. see more:imagine the world in 2050 She went for walks with me, and was always with me. From the first grade of my school, she helped me with my homework; she taught me how to behave. In addition, my mother is the most important person in my life because I am who I am, because of my mom. She always tries to make me a better person. From childhood, she bought a lot of books for me to read. She bought some intellectual games and that kind of stuff; I study hard to make her happy. I want her to be proud of me. I want her to feel, as I am the best child in the world, and as she is the best mom. I do everything for that. I behave myself very good in school, I don’t fight and I obey the rules. Unquestionably, my mother is the most important person in my life because she always supports me for my goals and ambitions, and that’s the key in pursuing my dream. My mother the most important individual in my life in fact that even though how many times we fight, she always makes me feel that I am the best gift she ever received from God. If I would have a chance to be born again, I would have chosen to be again her child. Child of the most important person in my life.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Aristotle on Moral Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Aristotle on Moral Responsibility - Essay Example A person is not morally responsible for an action if he or she does not know the possible consequences of his actions prior to the performance of that action, according to Aristotle. By such standards Aristotle tells us about the moral responsibility on a person for his or her actions. In this essay we will talk about the Aristotle’s take on moral responsibility of person for his or her actions. The voluntary acts and involuntary acts will be defined and how moral responsibility is a function of moral character will also be explained according to Aristotle. The film Dead Man Walking will also be discussed and its scenes will be analyzed keeping in mind the writings of Aristotle. Moral responsibility is defined by Aristotle to some extent through his concept of voluntary and involuntary acts. Moral responsibility can also be determined through the knowledge of consequences of the actions prior to the performance of those actions. Moral responsibility is also determined through the concept of impulsive and deliberate actions. A person is also morally responsible for inaction in certain situations therefore this is also a criteria through which moral responsibility can be determined. All these determinants of moral responsibility will be discussed in the paper. Aristotle talks about voluntary and involuntary acts. An act according to him is involuntary if a person has no control on his actions. Moral responsibility of an action does not lie on a person if he or she is forced to perform an action. An example would be that of a person who loses his cell phone and wallet to a thief at the gun point. Such actions that are not voluntary and performer of such actions cannot be held morally responsible for it. The definition of involuntary actions, by Aristotle, is very restricted and narrow. He believes that an action is only involuntary if the agent is not taking any willful part in the action himself. A person may be under force but

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Cultural Perspectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cultural Perspectives - Essay Example Non-white populations are subject to worse charges, fewer early releases, higher conviction rates, and harsher sentences throughout the system. Constitutional amendments have forbidden such institutionalization of discrimination between whites and non-whites, but disparities still exist in many social areas. About 20% of people in prison or jail or on probation for violent crimes have a mental illness, but only about 13% of the total correctional workforce is appropriately trained counselors, psychologists, medical staff, chaplains, or social workers. Thus, there is a lack of appropriate such services in corrections, a deficiency which will continue so long as there are unreliable means of evaluating clinical effectiveness. Furthermore, the lack of such services in the community at large places people at greater risk for behaviors that beg the scrutiny of the judicial system. Based on the importance of cultural awareness, the study recommends certain public policy changes to address these problems. Not only do The Eight and Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution the legally guarantee certain provisions for people in custody or engaged in due process but also there is an ethical imperative to provide necessary medical care for incarcerated people.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Five Advertisements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Five Advertisements - Essay Example Some of the mass media channels used for advertising include newspaper, television stations, radio advertisement, newspaper, outdoor advertising, or new media such direct mail, text massages, or website. Not all advertisements are aimed at promoting sales; others are geared at keeping customers informed of availability of certain products in the market. Some of the advertisement that gives no reasons for purchasing the products includes advertising to profession or business, institution advertising, pioneering advertising, Obtrusive advertising, competitive advertising, and remainder advertising. This form of advertising targets professionals and resellers. The media type that is mandated to carry out this form uses professional magazines or directly mails the customers. The ads herein do not aim at influencing customers directly and the products presented for advertisement are not to be bought by final users. For instance, a company-advising mortgage for the developers has nothing to do with customers or the end users. In other words, the advisement does not target the final customers. The corporate ads form part of these ads. They often target stockholders, financial institutes, employees, government, and political leaders (Phillips & Rasberry 127). The main aim of institutional or corporate ads may be to boost or establish corporate image and identity, counter any negative attitude towards the company, to promote industry’s interest in relation to some potential social or public interests. The current Aditya Birla group campaign ads would fit into this category. This type of advertisement tries to create a selective demand; that is the demand of a specific manufacture’s product as opposed to product category. The major companies that are involved or seek this form of advertisement are innovating companies who are ever forced to show the customer the evolution the company’s product. For

Friday, July 26, 2019

To what extent do the educated or enlightened bear responsibility for Essay

To what extent do the educated or enlightened bear responsibility for enacting change in the world - Essay Example Similarly, enlightenment does not simply come about with truth itself but also with the entire process of discovering the truth and then transforming it into a powerful force. As in the â€Å"Allegory of the Cave,† what liberated the cave man was not only the light itself but also the painful process of becoming accustomed to the light. Therefore, it is incorrect for leaders to merely impose their beliefs or directly exhort their beliefs on the ignorant. This does not enlighten people; it only changes the shackles of the ignorant into the domination of the enlightened, which also corrupts and blinds leaders on the power of knowledge. Leaders should pave an encouraging pathway for the ignorant to discover the truth, leaving them to make the decision. By undergoing this, the ignorant become truly enlightened and empowered. Summary of Plato’s Claim from â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† Plato’s famous â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† generally defines education e quating it with enlightenment, as it is the knowledge of truth. Since truth is what sets man free from the darkness of ignorance, education is therefore liberating. Hence, an educated man who has acquired the knowledge of truth is compelled to educate the uneducated in order to change the world. ... However, as Plato explained, not everyone possesses the courage to leave the cave. There arises a possibility that while trying to liberate them by telling them truths that are beyond their grasp, they may conclude that you are corrupted by the light. Therefore, in order to liberate them, one must not impose the truth on them, but instead guide them towards discovering the truth themselves. Additionally, the allegory criticizes man’s ignorance of reality. The world is certainly not what we directly see. Plato claimed that defining reality according to the sense of perception is similar to the prisoners in the cave whose perceptual sense of reality mistook shadows as real objects. Paradoxically, reality is imperceptible; rather, it belongs to a higher realm that requires understanding of the mind. As in the allegory of the cave, it was only when one of the prisoners was dug out to the light that he started understanding how shadows were only reflections of reality. By identifyi ng the form that causes the shadow, one is able to move closer to reality. Moreover, forms are not simple concepts or ideas; rather they are as real as the objects they reflect (Gracyk 2). Furthermore, Plato equated goodness with the form of the good. He explains that goodness varies in different things. What is qualified as good differs in each case (for example, good table or a good chair), not all things are visually alike. What links them together is their form of goodness. Hence, the form of goodness is the only thing good and to understand goodness itself is to comprehend the unchanging form of goodness. Rationale of Thesis from Three Texts Freedom from ignorance is a matter of choice. It is impossible to set oneself free unless one

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Photo51 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Photo51 - Essay Example The Watson and Click models showed the backbone of a molecule to be located at the center and the bases diffusing outward. Watson and Crick recognized that if the bases were organized to point inward, then the DNA width can move toward 2.0-nm like illustrated in Photo51 (Fitzgerald-Hayes & Reichsman 22). Rosalind Franklin discovered a specific well-determined X-ray diffraction pattern of a DNA fiber in Photo51. The DNA fiber was utilized to explain the 3.4á ¾ ¹ distance between the 34á ¾ ¹ periodicity of the helix and base pairs. In addition, the photo51 revealed the actual dimensions of DNA diameter and molecule (Anholt & Mackay 51). The photograph assisted Watson and Crick to conclude that the DNA molecules constitutes of two strands. The two strands are double helix that runs in opposite directions. The information was employed to construct a three-dimensional structure of DNA that demonstrated to be accurate (Anholt & Mackay 51). In conclusion, the Photo51 opened a new window in scientific history by discovering the formation of DNA. The dimensions revealed in the photograph assisted in the accurate development of a DNA structure. The information disclosed the composition of the genetic

Trade commission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Trade commission - Essay Example Mr. Clark is tied down by his Ph.D. studies. His quality time given to accomplish assigned tasks is reduced. Further, Mr. Clark has trouble prioritizing his job responsibilities. Mr. Clark prioritizes the Economics seminars over his responsibility in the company. He prioritizes making and attending arrangement of the Economists’ Association. Consequently, he cancels meetings with the Consul-General. Mr. Clark should be held accountable for his actions. Delegation does not absolve Mr. Clark of his responsibilities, as superior (Rees & Porter 116). Mr. Clark does not resolve Mr. Allen’s overburdened job responsibilities. One reason for the excess job responsibilities is Mr. Allen’s marriage to a local resident. Mr. Allen’s expertise in the local language gives Mr. Allen an added advantage. Because of Mr. Allen’s mastery of the local language, Mr. Clark assigns Mr. Allen to handle all local enquiries. Consequently, Mr. Allen communicates and enters int o agreements with all business contacts. Further, Mr. Allen helps Mr. Briggs craft reports to the Ministry of Commerce, during the first few months of Mr. Briggs arrival in the country. Mr. Clark should be made accountable for the effects of Mr. Allen’s overburdened responsibilities. Mr. Allen’s work overload results to delays and poor quality work outputs. Mr. Allen actually handled Mr. Briggs’ work, a new employee. Mr. ... Many very important persons and businessmen with significant relationships were invited. However, the original list of visitors was reduced from 50 to 30 invited guests. Miscommunication will trigger dissent among peers. Second, Mr. Clark should be made accountable for not involving his assistants in the transfer design of the whole government office (including the Consul-General’s staff) to a modern commercial building. When Mr. Clark was away for a two-week holiday, nobody could follow up important business matters because neither Mr. Allen nor Mr. Briggs knew what kind of wood and carpet colour Mr. Clark preferred. Consequently, the office decoration work was stopped until Mr. Clark returned for work. Third, Mr. Clark should be made accountable for the confusion cropping up regarding the use of the company’s official car. The Commission has a Mercedes Benz, which both Mr. Allen and Mr. Briggs is also entitled to use. However, Mr. Clark likes to ask the driver to wait for him at l0.00 am every day where Mr. Clark resides. This meant that either the Assistant Trade Commissioners also have to wait inside the official car for him or they have to proceed to the Commission by other means of transport. Both Mr. Allen and Mr. Briggs felt that they were refused some of their entitled benefits. Further, Mr. Clark must be accountable for abuse of official time. Mr. Clark wrongly prioritised the Minister’s needs over official needs. When the Minister’s family visited the city, Mr. Clark put aside his work. He spent two days accompanying them shopping around. Occasionally, when Mr. Briggs calculated the balance of the Commission’s account, he found that Mr. Clark had bought meals for his friends and family and debited

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The United Nations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The United Nations - Research Paper Example The United Nation was based on the theory that all nations are equal according to international law despite variations in demographics. The United Nations has come to be recognized as a figure of peace and of order where Nations can come together to resolve issues or conflicts among them. Membership includes nearly two hundred different nations and often negotiations between Nations which involve economics, security and democracy are the focus of UN assembly’s. Each member of the United Nations has one vote in these assembly’s; the United States having one vote when assemblies meet to decide on issues and actions or responses to international threats or areas of interest such as global warming which has an effect on every nation. It is thought that the United States uses it financial power and influence to dictate to Countries considered third world or disadvantaged. At times when these Countries have used the United Nations to present their cases against the United States publicly the United States has retaliated with refusal to pay United Nations dues. With the United States being the largest financial contributor to the United Nations dues easily reach over 1 billion dollars. Disagreements caused the US to withdraw from UNESCO, the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Many operational programs were begun by the UN and operational programs have continued to be developed (Sharp, 1965). The UN Children’s Fund, UNICEF, was given status as a permanent UN program in 1953. It is the oldest and the most recognized of the UN programs. UNICEF focuses on key areas in various locations, meeting the needs of children nationwide. UNICEF provides a global platform to stop preventable deaths among children using interventions such as access to health care, vaccinations, antibiotics, and protections methods from carries of diseases such as Malaria, education in good hygiene practices and the promotion of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business Formation and Entrepreneurship Coursework

Business Formation and Entrepreneurship - Coursework Example Online marketing involves buying and selling of all types of products from food to spare parts to machineries and cars with only a few clicks of the mouse and online money transfer. Many people have either started companies online or shifted their physical company to operate online as well. Most people are spending much of their time on the internet and especially the social media and what this has done is expand this type of business immensely (Sheehan, 2010). The easy thing about online marketing is the convenience as well as saving of travelling and accommodation costs. An individual for example seeking to shop for the latest clothes fashion just logs into various fashion online shops and boutiques compares the prices and the quality as well as the shipping costs and time and makes the purchase. The seller is paid through a credit or debit card and the shipment is made. It is as easier as that and one can carry out transactions no matter the location whether in the office, in the car during traffic jam or even in the confines of one’s home (Leake, Vaccarello and Ginty,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Friend Ship Essay Example for Free

Friend Ship Essay friendshipWhen is Friendship Day? Celebrate Friendship Day 2013 on August 4, Sunday Human beings are social creatures and have always valued the importance of friends in their lives. To celebrate this noble feeling it was deemed fit to have a day dedicated to friends and friendship. Accordingly, first Sunday of August was declared as a holiday in US in honor of friends by a Proclamation made by US Congress in 1935. Since then, World Friendship Day is being celebrated every year on the first Sunday in the month of August. | This beautiful idea of celebrating Friendship Day was joyfully accepted by several other countries across the world. And today, many countries including India, celebrate the first Sunday of August as Friendship Day every year. Celebrating Friendship Day in a traditional manner, people meet their friends and exchange cards and flowers to honor their friends. Lot many social and cultural organization too celebrate the occasion and mark Friendship Day by hosting programs and get together. It may be noted that some associations celebrate Friendship Day in an entirely different time of the year and with different customs. For instance, * National Friendship Day is on the first Sunday in August. * Womens Friendship Day is on the third Sunday in August * International Friendship Month is February * Old Friends, New Friends Week is the third week of May However, what is remarkably same is the idea behind the celebration of the day. Everywhere, people express love for their friends and cherish their presence in life. Friendship Day History There is not much literature on Friendship Day history as we celebrate today. However, there are numerous folktales and several instance in mythological legends that shows that friends and friendship have been valued since the beginning of civilized world. As an intrinsically social creature, men love to make friends to further this process of socialization. Friendship Day in IndiaFriendship Day has come to be celebrated in a big way in India. The noble idea of honoring friends and friendship has really caught on with the youth in India and one can see the festival being enthusiastically celebrated by the youth especially, students. Day Dedicated to Friends In tune with the spirit of the occasion, people dedicate Friendship Day festival to their best friends. Most choose to celebrate the entire day in the loving company of their dearest friends. Recollecting sweet memories of the time spent together and catching up with their lives over a cup of coffee is the idea of ideal Friendship Day celebration for many. Friends separated by geographical distances, call up their friends to express love and warmth for each other and to wish a Happy Friendship Day. With more and more people getting hooked to the net, many people also choose to chat with their friends with the help of Internet. Sending SMS and Friendship Day e-cards is another popular way of greetings friends. Friendship Day Celebrations in Schools and Colleges Friendship Day celebrations are particularly marked in schools and colleges in India. Euphoria of the day sets in days before the festival as everybody gets excited to wish their best friends in their own special way. Children make Friendship Day Cards or other special gift to thank their friends for their wonderful presence in their life. Exchange of Friendship Bands is the other most prominent feature of Friendship Day celebrations. Friends vie with each other as to who gets the most stylish band or who gets the maximum number of bands. In several colleges, special programs are also organized to mark the occasion. Most of these programs and events intend to give youth an opportunity to dance and sing with friends and have a good time. Friendship Day Parties Following their counterparts in the west, youth in India too mark Friendship Day by participating in Friendship Day parties or organizing bashes for their friends. Major crowd for Friendship Day can be seen in discotheques and pubs where people dance with friends on fast pace music and cherish the loving company of their pals. Such parties also give youth a chance to make new friends and widen their friendship circle. At present such bashes are more popular in metros and other big cities, however, youth in small towns too are warming up to the idea of partying on Friendship Day. Commercialization of Friendship Day Just as in US and several other countries, Friendship Day has been commercialized to a great extent in India. Days before the festival, gift marketers run an extensive campaign to lure the people to buy cards and gifts for their friends. Restaurateurs too try to entice people by offering special discounts or holding bashes. Several people criticize such excessive campaigning. They feel commercialization has marred to the idea behind observing Friendship Day and has turned it into a mere formality. Some people however feel that advertising campaign has helped to generate awareness about Friendship Day festival and the idea of having a day dedicated to friends. |

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Balance Sheet Analysis Of The Coca Cola Company Finance Essay

Balance Sheet Analysis Of The Coca Cola Company Finance Essay Introduction: Coca-Cola The Coca-Cola Company is one of the worlds largest and most diversified nonalcoholic beverage companies. It owns or licenses and became market leader with more than 500 beverage brands, prominently sparkling beverages. It also have a variety of still beverages like waters, juices, enhanced waters, juice drinks, ready-to-drink coffees and teas. Moreover, it has sports and energy drinks too. Along with Coca-Cola their identity drink, Coca-Cola owns four of the top five most famous nonalcoholic brands including diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite. Coca-Cola is one of the most valuable brand names in the world. Finished beverage products of Coca-Cola brand have their origin from United States since 1986. Coca cola has the worlds largest distribution system for beverages. They operate though company owned or controlled bottling operations. Approximately 55 billion beverage servings are sold worldwide each day, Out of which approximately 1.7 billion belong to coca cola   Coca cola attributes their success to its ability to connect with consumers desires, needs and lifestyles. That is the reason why the firm provides its consumers with a plethora of options to choose from. The company uses its assets its brands, unrivaled distribution system, financial strength, talent and strong management commitment-to create value for its stakeholders and associates. Financial Statements Balance Sheet Asset Current Assets Current assets usually include cash and some other type of assets that usually get converted into cash with normal course of time within an operating cycle. Operating cycle is important terms in current assets as it refers to a period between acquisition of raw material and cash realization cycle time of finished goods sale. Operating cycle usually posses cash cycle and inventory cycle which also shows the amount of current asset and current liability which affirm usually have. More the cash conversion cycle, more will be inventory therefore current asset and less of real revenue. Seeing this can say that there is 20% rise in current assets. It rose from $2354mn to $2650mn. Cash Cash is just money available for any contingency. Company kept it just as a buffer to meet their short term liquid fund need. It is usually listed a first item in balance sheet as it is highly liquid and normal accounting rule suggest listing as per descending order of liquidity.Cash and cash Equivalent has increased as compared to last year from $7021 mn to $8517 mn in 2011. Short term equivalents has also increased from $2130 to $2682 mn Marketable Securities These investments are kind of temporary investments usually made from extra cash company have. These are highly liquid can be cashed anytime that is why they can are usually considered cash equivalent and also comes in category of Current asset only. Sometime it is done due to government obligations only. Here seeing the Coca-Cola Marketable securities we can say that it gets doubled in 2011 than 2010.Figures changed from $62mn to $138mn.Usually Marketable securities and other assets constitute a tradable securities. This tradable security has taken a huge jump from last year to this year. It has changed from $61 to $209. This more than 200% change has shown that company has fairly utilized it extra cash to get some interest and monetary benefit. Accounts Receivable Simply, accounts receivables are the sum owed to a firm and are written on balance sheet by use of promissory notes. Account receivable is bills owed to you by your customers. They magnitude depends upon the collection ways company have and credit period company has. This is the actual amount yet to be collected from customers. From the given figure below in the table we can say that account receivable has been increased from $3700 to $4400 in last one year. This means that company has either increased the collection cycle or its started giving more good on credit to fight against competitors. Inventories Inventory are the good company has unsold or unmade into final product. Inventory is of different types like raw material, semi-finished goods and finished goods. Usually inventory is not good as this is the product which is their left unsold and their cost incurred in raw material and processing are the cost you losing as opportunity cost. From the below figures we can say that Companys raw material inventory more or less remains the same but companys finished goods inventory has increased from $1029 to $ 697.This means that company has either made extra goods than it can sell or Coca-Cola was not able to sell as per the last years estimates. Prepaid expenses There are expenses like payments need to be given for service we have availed or the payments we have to give for the supply of materials. These payments are sometime made in achieve supplier loyalty or goodwill. Companys prepaid expenses shows an increment from $2226 to $3162 which means that company Coca-Cola has prepaid to its supplier or insurance premium more than last year. This strategy companies usually follow to get their supplier be loyal and should supply on time. This strategy also comes into play in case company wants to remove extra hassle of paying insurance premium again and again Investments Investments are kind of cash funds or securities which Company holds for a particular purpose for a usually indefinite period of time. Term Investments usually include stocks Bonds corporate hold another company, Real estate Mortgages that corporate hold for income-producing aims. Money that corporate may keep holding for pension fund. Investments can be either amortized cost or have fair value. Investments usually in debt securities for which Company has positive intent and has ability to hold till maturity are usually carried at kind of amortized cost and generally classified as held-to-maturity .Those not coming in this category are generally carried at fair value and can be classified as either available-for-sale or trading. Trading securities are reported as either marketable securities or other assets in our consolidated balance sheets. Coca-cola Investment patterns shows that they have major portion of their investment mainly in Equity method Investment. Their investment in equity is around 10% of the total asset and 90% of the total investment Property, Plant and Equipment Property, Equipments and plants are the real fixed asset and always come under this category. Plant asset include buildings, land, equipment and machinery which are generally used in business operations. These things usually stay for a longer period that is why they are called fixed asset and their requirement usually doesnt change with the number of unit manufactured. On December 31, 2010, date of balance sheet reference, the carrying value of Coca-Cola equipment, plant and property has net of depreciation that was approximately $14727 million which was around 20 percent of Coca-Cola total asset. Usually, this dip is caused by depreciation, impairment loss and revaluation of assets. May be even in Coca-Cola is he same reason. Intangible Assets: Goodwill, Trademarks and Others Intangible assets are usually classified into three categories: Intangible assets having definite lives subjected to amortization, Intangible assets having indefinite lives that are not subject to amortization, Goodwill. Usually, for intangible assets having definite lives, Impairment test must be performed to check out whether accounted value is correct or not as many of these highly valuable intangible assets lose their value with time due to obsolescence. The following table carries values of intangible assets that got included balance sheet (in millions): Coca-Colas Intangible asset shows in table that their goodwill is the major thing which they can boast of. Goodwill constitutes 16% of all the intangible assets which is logical only seeing the greatly history of Coca-Cola since 18th Century. Bottles franchise rights come close second with 10% of all intangible assets. By the way most of these intangible things are not recoverable until and unless somebody buys it. Other Assets At the time of preparation of balance sheet, there are conditions that the asset cannot be classified into any of the category such as investments, current assets, intangible assets or plant assets. These types of assets are therefore listed on balance sheet under section other assets. Seeing Coca-Cola Balance sheet and Notes thereafter we can say that these unclassified other assets also increased in last one year by around 10%.It got changed from $1976mn to $2121mn in 2011. Liabilities Liabilities are the sum which company is obliged to pay. For Coca-Cola, the liabilities are like given below: Contingent Liabilities Three examples of contingent liabilities include Warranty of companys products The Guarantee of other partys loan The lawsuits that is filed against a company Basically, Contingent liabilities are considered potential liabilities. Since they are dependent upon future events occurrence or nonoccurrence, they can or cannot get converted into actual liabilities. Coca-Cola has, as can been through its Contingency liability Note snapshot, has contingency liability due to Guarantee to its third party customers. Coca-Cola has made some guarantee withn bottlers and vendors regarding buying and selling assurances which can become liability in case company is not able to fulfill his terms already agreed. The amount is approximately $683 mn. Other contingent liability which Coca-Cola has is in term of legal liability. It is a legal obligation as per a company Aqua-Chem which is asking Coca-Cola to pay $10mn out of pocket. This problem get created as Aqua-Chem was earlier owned by Coca-Cola and its now owned by someone else and who is blaming Coca-Cola for some defective gasket-asbestos. Current Liabilities If the company has payable loans then the principal to be paid in next one year is considered as current liability and all the other things will be considered as long term liability in balance sheet. Over and above this, whatever interest is charged as part of loan will be considered in income statement only not in balance sheet. Only the due interest will be considered as liability in balance sheet. Current Liability of Coca-Cola has increased recently from $13721mn to $18508 mn. The main difference has come only because of the maturity of some long term debt company has taken earlier. Long Term Liabilities Owners Equity In finance or accounting, equity is considered as the residual claim or can be said to be the interest of most simple class of investors that have invested money in assets. This is money which is paid to these investors after all the liabilities are paid. If assets are more than liabilities, than it is the case of negative Equity. The owners equity is always subdivided in the balance sheet under the liability column. One of the parts represents the money invested by investors as paid-in capital and any part of retained earning converted into paid-in capital of the company. The other part shows net-earning money usually retained of the company. Usually, stockholders, or owners, dont become personally responsible for the debts that a company contracts. A stockholder can lose his investment most of the time, but creditors cannot look to their personal assets for the satisfaction of their usual claims. Normally, the stockholders can withdraw with cash dividends as an amount measured as corporate earnings. But creditors dont. Stockholders Equity Misc Stocks Options Warrants Redeemable Preferred Stock Preferred Stock Common Stock 880,000  Ã‚   880,000  Ã‚   Retained Earnings 49,278,000  Ã‚   41,537,000  Ã‚   Treasury Stock -27,762,000 -25,398,000 Capital Surplus 10,057,000  Ã‚   8,537,000  Ã‚   Other Stockholder Equity -1,450,000 -757,000 Total Stockholder Equity 31,003,000  Ã‚   24,799,000  Ã‚   Relevant Notes Usually, all the information which is relevant for the investors cannot be included in the financial statement. There is some information in the financial statement which is shown just under a category without any explanation. But as part of Annual report everything should be clear and transparent therefore notes are included. Notes are actually included in order to reveal something of importance in addition to what is already there in the financial statements. Notes can be of importance to the investors who are willing to know more about the company or those who faces problem in understanding the main financial statements. The note reference is mainly to allow clarity in the annual report about the financial statements. Below given statement shows the use of notes in the balance sheet. Here the definition and calculation part of BASIC NET INCOME PER SHARE will be there explained in the notes told to be referred. Significance of structure of Balance Sheet Structure of balance sheet is also important part of the balance sheet. Basic accounting convention shows to present the balance sheet in two major ways. One way to present the balance sheet is to present it is Horizontal presentation (account form). Other form of presentation will be to present it in Vertical presentation (Report form). Though there are two forms, Vertical report form is mostly used and is famous. Disadvantage with the vertical form is that it doesnt confirm typical explanation among investment literature about the balance sheet should have two sides that shows balancing out of two sides. We can see here Coca-Cola has followed vertical form of balance sheet only usually followed by corporate. One more thing is which section should be considered first and which at later point of time. Usually, in asset sections, the accounts are taken in the descending order as per their liquidity Means most liquid asset will be taken first then the next level of liquid asset. In the same way liabilities are written in the order of priority for payment. Usually, in financial reporting, the term short-term and long-term is synonymous or interchangeable with the terms current and non-current items respectively. That is why the asset part of balance sheet of Coca-Cola has followed decreasing form of liquidity. Cash being most liquid followed by marketable securities this is followed by Investments and Intangible assets like goodwill coming at last. These intangible assets come at last because they are the most illiquid fund which cannot be cashed until and unless firm is sold or acquired. Trend Analysis of Coca-Cola of five year duration If we check out the performance of Coca-Cola over five years, we can say that on most of the parameters of Coca-cola is showing consistently downward trend. Current Asset has decreased from $2230 mn to $3800 mn in last five years. Total Equity has been fluctuating in this period of five years from a low of $ -35 mn to high of $ 4500 mn in 2006.Total Asset has been decreasing $23366mn of 2006 to $8596mn in 2010. Good thing is that total liability has also decreased for $ 18000 mn to $5 453 mn. Total Debt has been reduced to its one-fifth in these five years. Conclusion Coca-Cola is doing well in 2010. The company is totally out of slowdown that was there since recession. It has its hard-earned goodwill in the market which the company is cashing through higher purchase making higher profit. Its market Capitalization has reached $153Bn recently and its enterprise value has reached $168Bn in May 2011. The company has became the epitome of globalization with so much of expansion and diversification that Coke is the second most recognized word after Ok.

The First Born

The First Born The title of this poem is The First Born. The poem is set in Australia today. The speaker in the poem, is the Land, which is distressed and franticly searching for her first born, the indigenous Australians who are in a bad condition. The Land continues searching for her first born and asks you whom I bore after which is the white people what had become of the indigenous Australians. The white people were silent and did not reply. An important idea in this poem is the relationship between the indigenous Australians and the white people. The poet seems to express to readers that the indigenous Australian are in a bad condition. Another idea is that all human beings regardless of race are equal and part of the same human family. In terms of emotion, the poet invokes feelings of hurt and anxiety through the Land. The poem suggests that the indigenous Australians are in a bad condition through the use of various literary techniques. The Land is heard calling out for her first born the indigenous Australians, and the poet describes that the light of their being barely aglow? which is a metaphor that suggests the vitality of the indigenous Australians are diminished and there is little hope in their future. Therefore we get the idea that the indigenous Australians are backwards in terms of political economy, social and education wise. The Land is also strain my ears for the sound of their laughter which is another metaphor which seems to the readers that the indigenous Australians have little joy and happiness in their life. We get an image of the backwardness of the indigenous Australians that they deprived and therefore unhappy. Through the line Where are the laws and the legends I gave?, the poet suggest that the culture that the indigenous Australians culture history are diminished and forgo tten. The readers get an image that the indigenous Australians has been neglected and their culture wiped out , therefore the indigenous Australians have no identity or culture to call their own. To sum up, it is suggested that the indigenous Australians are in a bad condition which includes the lost of their culture which has been past down for generations. The poem also presents to us the idea that all human are equals and therefore part of the human family, thus there should not be any discrimination against any race, which includes the indigenous Australians. The poet express this to readers through the line They were formed out of my dust is a metaphor which renames the people are being born, which is a reference the Bible. According to the Bible, people are formed out of dust and thus it means that all people are formed from the same substance, and dust being part of the earth or God , thus all humans are equal in Gods eye and thus have to be treated with respect. Another evidence of the idea of equality is in the line you whom I born after which suggest that the Land willing to forgive the white Australians for the past misdeed as, in the poem the Land acknowledges the white Australians one of her children. To conclude, the poem indicates the idea all humans are equal and the Land accepts both the indigenous Australians and white people. The Land in the poem expresses various feelings and emotion throughout the poem. The Land is personified as a mother and the various people her children. The Land is anxious that her first born cannot be found and her feelings are intensified. This makes the situation more dramatic as the anxiety of a mother who has lost a child is without comparison. The Land would feel that way as the indigenous Australians do not have much vitality and playing very little part in society due to their backwardness ,thus the indigenous people are missing in society. The Land is hurt due to the fact her first born is dying and neglected. The Land as a mother will not want to see her children dying and neglected. We thus feel the anxiety and hurt felt by the Land. In conclusion, the poet seems to confront us the dire situation faced by the indigenous Australians. The poet might be suggesting that we should treat humans equally and fairly as we are all part of this global family. In conclusion, the indigenous Australians should forgive and not forget. The poet might be suggesting that we should treat humans equally fair as we are part of this global family. This will ensure a better future for the next generation as hatred in the indigenous Australians towards each other will not be passed down

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A History of the Cold War Essay -- The Truth About the Cold War

â€Å"As crossfire raked his body, the second boy fell back onto the strip of now churning sand. Wounded, moaning for help, he lay only 300 yards from a unit of United States troops. But the American commanding general issued orders: ‘Stand fast. Do nothing.’ Fifty-five minutes later Peter Fetcher was dead, and his body was carried away into the recesses of the city from which he had tried to escape.† This excerpt, from The Cold War: From Yalta To Cuba by Robin W. Winks shows how, despite its name, the Cold War was anything but cold. World War II is considered by most experts to have ended in 1945, when the Japanese signed an unconditional surrender to Allied powers. Although World War II ended, the Cold War was just warming up. A very big part of the Cold War was the arms race. When the United States of America dropped the first atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we had displayed our power and jumped ahead in the race. This was a huge surprise to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. They grew uneasy and distrustful of the US and other hidden powers we may possess (Trueman). After World War II ended, Europe was left in shambles. The US, not nearly as devastated as the rest of the world, developed the Marshall Plan to try and rebuild Europe. While the main goal of this plan was to help Europe rise from the ashes, a secondary goal was to stop the spread of Communism that Stalin was trying to promote (Marshall). Upset and frightened by the attempt to spread American ideas, the USSR developed the Zhd anov Doctrine. This doctrine â€Å"claimed that the United States was seeking global domination through American imperialism, as well as the collapse of democracy. On the other hand, according to this Doctrine, the Sovie... ..., Ambassador. "LOOKING BACK: The 1986 Reykjavik Summit." Arms Control Association. Arms Control Association, Sept. 2006. Web. 05 Sept. 2015. Il, Theodoros, J.D.-M.A. "How Did the Cold War Start and End?" Today I Found Out RSS. Today I Found Out, 13 Nov. 2013. Web. 02 Sept. 2015. LaFeber, Walter. America, Russia, and the Cold War, 1945-1971. Second ed. New York: Wiley, 1972. Print. "The Marshall Plan." The Marshall Plan. George C. Marshall Foundation, 2009. Web. 02 Sept. 2015. "Treaty Between The US And The USSR On The Elimination Of Their Intermediate-Range And Shorter-Range Missiles (INF Treaty)." U.S. Department of State. U.S. Department of State, n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2015. Trueman, Chris. "The Cold War." The Cold War. History Learning Site, n.d. Web. 01 Sept. 2015. Winks, Robin W. The Cold War: From Yalta To Cuba. New York: Macmillan, 1964. Print.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Philippines And The World Market :: essays research papers

The Philippines and the World Market   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Philippines is considered to be one of the most westernized countries in Asia. It has strong ties to the United States and the United Nations. In fact, It is the only charter member of the U.N. in all of Southeast Asia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States has a very close relationship with the economy and culture of the Philippines. For instance, Filipinos have a strong resentment toward communistic countries. During the cold war, the Philippines supported America by consistently being hostile toward communist countries, and did not maintain diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union or any other communist state.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States is the largest foreign consumer of Philippine products. In many ways the survival of the philippine economy depends on the united States. We purchase almost all of the sugar exports, most of the coconut oil, embroidery, at least half of the base metals, and a fourth of the lumber. The United States supplies most of the Philippine imports of machinery, dairy products, cotton, papers, drugs, automobiles and much or the petroleum products. Although countries like Japan, Canada Australia, and New Zealand are getting more and more involved in trade with the Philippines, America remains to be the Philippines most important trading partner.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When America acquired the Philippines and established free trade in 1909, the economy of the islands was tied to that parent country. As a result, the Philippines became almost entirely dependant upon United States markets. Thus, America has had a strong influence on not only the economy of the Philippines, but also the politics of it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States established a public education system in the Philippines in the early 1900 ¹s. Although they were not American schools they had many similarities. American teachers were used as well as American books.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Why? :: Art

Why? After seeing the film The Virgin Suicides, I found myself asking the question why. While talking to other students about the film again came the question, why? Why would these girls, with so much to look forward to, commit suicide? This question, â€Å"why† is the central theme of the whole film. Hearing many opinions on the film, I asked myself, what was the most disturbing aspect of this film? Focusing on the subtly disturbing manner in which the film is told and again asking why. I came to the conclusion that the most disturbing part of this film isn’t so much the girls committing suicide, but the fact that we don’t know why they do it. Like the boy’s across the street, we are not content with what happens, we feel cheated, like it’s all a horrible inside joke and we just don’t get the punch line. The first time the boys go into the house, they look around as if they were in the house of a dead idol, like the smaller pieces of the girl’s lives are going to tell them something they haven’t yet considered. The way they steal Cecilia’s diary and try to imagine what the girls were thinking. The way they sit with the telescope pointed at the roof across the street, watching like confused children, which essentially is what they were. These are some of the more obvious voyeuristic scenes, but there are so many more. The film could almost be a beginners guide to stalking. All the boys were obsessed with the Lisbon girls. They wanted to know what they were doing, where they were, who they were, and most of all, why. The one time Lux let one of the boys get close enough to answer some of these questions, he momentarily looses interest and leaves her at the football field. Which poses the question, were the boys fascinated with these girls because they were unique and interesting, or did they only want what they couldn’t have, the forbidden fruit. The bars of isolation put firmly into place by the Lisbon mother is what creates this aura of mystery around these girls. Her strict enforcement of the conservative lifestyle only adds fuel to the girl’s new found sexual fire. Like the boys, the girls only want to discover the unknown. And for the Lisbon’s, the unknown is the opposite sex.

Ensuring People Support for Education and Training Programs Essay

A collaborative effort is a key to success in the field of continuing education.   That is to maintain partnership with the learners, the supervisors and, the managers.   To ensure support from each participant it is important that there is connectivity before, during, and after the training program.   After all, learning is effective when it is applied as well as teaching is assimilated when it is explained. In Cafarella’s book, the five primary purpose of education was explicitly stated that is; â€Å"to encourage growth, to assist with practical problems, to prepare people for current and future opportunities, to assist with change for desired results, and to examine community or social issues (Schultz, 2002).†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Educators are tasked to elaborate from the beginning the reason of the training program and if it is presented to learners as useful and not mandatory support from the learner is ensured even from the start of the program.   Key people or the supervisors can be invited in the planning process so that they can tell the planner or the educator actual experiences on how the knowledge will be applied.   Also it is best to include the supervisors in giving decisions on when is the training program be scheduled so that critical schedule in their operations will not be hampered.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During trainings learners should get involved in the discussion by inviting them to give examples and with those actual situations mentioned by the participants, trainers should help the learner to reflect on the subject and how it could be applied.   Supervisors at the same time can be asked to mentor or assist in the on-going program.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Training program does not end at the venue but probing whether the learning process is blocked after instruction was given ensures effectiveness of the course.   Learners should be encouraged to help one another and evaluate the learning process.   Supervisors should be asked on the feedback if the course has been effective by checking if what is learned was applied in each participants actual work situation.   To ensure continuous support and partnership, endings should be addressed whether it is positive or negative (Caffarella, 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Managers are tasked to implement goals and objectives; they are the one who manage change.   To ensure their support from beginning to end, they should be asked to provide consultations before and after.   They should be convinced that the program is helping their organization to grow. References Schultz, J. D. (2002). Book Review: Planning Programs for Adult Learners, 2nd Edition by Rosemary A. Caffarella [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 12 February 2008 from Caffarella, R.A. (2002).   Planning Programs for Adult Learners (Chapter 5), 2nd Edition, 403 pages ISBN: 0-7879-5225-7.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Benefits of partnership of a community group

In the recent years we go for witnessed a contract know as Community Benefit agreement that was signed in the USA amidst confederacy conferences and comp all owners which requires the profession owners to can certain services to the local familiarity or the vicinity while on the other yield the association supports the businesses or pass on not in any way oppose them (Cnaan & Milofsky, 2007). A take reveals that when the corporation is more involved in the negotiation procedure, they will be qualified to tackle the problems to present a view for all parts of an affected familiarity.At the tenderness of the community benefits schemes is partnership building. According to the agreement, in that respect are dissimilar benefits a community will derive from a business operating in the vicinity. They include equitable maneuvering conditions, local hiring schemes, affordable lodgment allowances, better remuneration packages, on conjecture training programs, blank s pace will be set aside for other weakened systems, community centres, child care schools, elevate erection of parks and sporting conveniences and giving monetary support to community group programs.Benefits that a community group may accrue from a association/business by dint of partnership taking a case in Sydney we pass that a recreation field commissioning of Rankin school of the Narrows in IONA being wholeness of the beneficiaries from the Sydney Tar Ponds Agency through a strategy that was introduced known as topical anaesthetic Economic Benefits (LEB). Sydney Tar Ponds Agency is an deputation that deals with stabilizing, solidifying and containing the contaminated materials to clean up the environment and the cleaned up space to be used for recreational purposes.Sydney Tar Ponds Agency, through the LEB program, supports advertizes mission contestants and contractors to promote local community activities. LEB involves various operations such as local employment, alterment of local progression sets, promoting local community projects and drawing newborn citizens to join local communities. An important subdivision that will be checked give away is developing an outdoor skating rink, a junior and adults green activity area which will allow those who feature no space to plant at home to have a garden, for the young ones it will yield education on plants and how they grow.As fundraising efforts were underway for the various phases, the committee explored many ways of generating much-needed financial support. Members in the Sydney Tar Ponds Agency have testified that the strategy had helped them develop the outdoor rink that is helping them to give back to the community. This helps the community to grow in positive, healthy directions (Gale Group, 1988). done the establishment of the outdoor rink for Rankin School of the Narrows in IONA, at that place will be a lot of motivation in the part of the learners as they will be able to learn extra broadcast activities such as gnomish garden farming.It will also give individuals work to do consequently avoiding idleness which could promote immorality amongst the youths. This will develop the youngsters skills and talents that could be of great help to them in future. These small gardens will also add to the landed estates aesthetic value thus preserving the splendour of a nation. Conclusion In order to form a triumphal community benefit agreement, it is vital to consort and retain a coalition, facilitate and expertness on a shared agenda, collins & Porras, 2002).It is therefore important that the government empowers the community on its rights so as to improve the bargaining power of the community. We find that there are organizations which merely do anything for the community because there are no efforts to choose their contribution to the community. On the other hand the community groups should support the operations of the organization to form that mutual relatio nship that will promote the introduction of other benefits (Demetrios E. Tonias & Jim J.Zhao, 2007). deeds Cited Gale Group. International directory of company histories. (California St James Press. 1988) collins James Charles & Porras I. Jerry. Built to last boffo habits of visionary companies. (New York Harper Business Essentials. 2002). Cnaan A. throng & Milofsky Carl. Handbook of Community Movements and Local Organizations. (Philadelphia Springer. 2007 pp 26, 27). Tonias E. Demetrios & Zhao J. Jim. dyad Engineering. (New York McGraw-Hill Professional. 2007, p 41).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Divorce: Marriage and Progressive Beautiful Life

Divorce: Marriage and Progressive Beautiful Life

Divorce doesnt finish a covenant.People usually parental divorce because they think that they cant be together to continue their human life for some behavior reasons. Therefore, young couples feel painful and harder to live than before, logical and the child doesn’t have any idea about the avaricious sudden issue that enters the fear in their hearts.Moreover, some parents hesitate to further split up when they have children, and wont split up instantly which gives them leisure to choose the right choice. Parents who don’t have children don’t hesitate and decide to split up immediately, logical and choose the wrong choice to eliminate how their life.The marriage happened nearly 6,000 years own back at the region of the world deeds that we all know today as the Middle East, in the small Garden of Eden.Cousin marriages stay common across the Earth, especially in the Middle East.

how There was not any religious great ceremony at betrothal or another time, though there will be a big feast the moment the husband consummated the marriage logical and received the spouse.Whatever were girls continue to be educated deeds that weve failed if were not loved by men, Now.Youve got to accept that and first move forward.Everything you place your much attention on grows.

Not a soul in D.appears to want to repair anything.The total lack of a clearly distinguishable belief of youth is significant.Nobody knows logical and so nobody understands of our pain.

Be certain to maintain copies from where the spouse can locate them.Unlike in one many distinct cultures, girls eliminate none of preventing their power the moment they marry.Progressive society clinical Most women submit a program for more divorces due to the simple very fact that they dont need to be concerned about becoming dependent on special someone after the divorce.Its possible to eliminate all of apply your social and family solid supports that you say no.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Cinema History: the Seventh Seal

Ingmar Berg art objects characterization, 1-s resultant roleh impression, reflects his views on sustenance in an giftative fashion. Berg gentle piece of medications gentle reality utilizes the aspect of a medieval, chevvy-ridden orna custodyt to metaphoric onlyy check the beingness of deity and mean of deportment. The shoot follows the knight, Antonius, as he returns from the Crusades with his squire, Jons. Bergman uses stern and exsanguine to prove the mood. The pictorial reckons internal imaging and omnipotent target dispute the knock divulge to cons avowedly the scoots messages and define them meaning. The charge investigates the deepest philosophical questions of almsgiving.Compared with Akira Kurosawas fill, Ikiru, the 7th legal tender expresses a good-for-nothinger expected value on the founding. Bergmans cinematic chef-doeuvre stiff a germane(predicate) naturalise of wile in a world that struggles to traverse the deepest questions of trust and the phenomena of simply being alive. one-seventh mold begins with a push everyplace of the welkin as a decently orchestrate frame of medication plays. A exhalation from the maintain of revelation is recited, And when the give birth had assail equal to(p) the seventh seal, at that place was concealment in paradise rough the piazza of one-half an hour, (Revelation 81).Antonius and Jons comprise on a destroy of pebbles. The land is close in comparative to the cant all over, juxtapo tittle-tattle the kingdoms of enlightenment and earth. A cheating play point sits to the pay off of Antonius. The tv camera pans outside from him, zooming in on the deceiver chips. It symbolically equates Antonius as a piece of the back. A man draped in morose approaches, revealing him egotism to be conclusion. He states that he has guide forth for them. Antonius challenges him to a swindle match. termination agrees that if Antonius is fitted to kil l devastation he shall go free. The game is go aprospicient end-to-end the convey.As Antonius and Jons egg on along their journey, closure continuosly lurks as an grim force. The film endlessly makes references to oddment and unbelief through the presents of the blighter. The sky in the background greetledge is a hot bay window boggy as though idol is indifferent from the field and heedless to the piteous on earth. In one video, Jons seeks directions from a man who appears to be quiescency the man is d.o.a. and rotting. non only is the man otiose to extend direction, unless in that location is in any case no prophesy direction. The plague interprets the absence seizure seizure of god and populaces hesitation when face up with cabalistic destruction.In a scene posterior in the film, death impersonates a confessional priest. He listens as Antonius speaks virtually(predicate) the riddle of god, stating, Is it so cruelly inconceivable to d ig up god with the senses? why should he overcloud himself in a obscure of half-spoken promises and spiritual world miracles? What is going to pass away to those of us who involve to conceive alone arent able to? decease, who embodies the put down absence of life, system silent. Bergman depicts mans ugly, metaphorically addres ripple the inabilities of benignantity to hatch the use of two the human self and the divine.The plague challenges trustingness, as an incomprehensible penalization inflicted for unexplainable reasons. It leaves the thickly settled to deal with the absence of divine direction. This is demonstrate truly strongly passim the film. Jof and his young person man instrumentalists leap and sing on a small(a) hamlet stage. The factors represent pureness and smashing nature. Abruptly, ghostly music interrupts the actors production. A raise of priests, expose crosses and incense, bound though the small town. They sing in consonance a s shirtless men attach to them rebuke themselves and apiece other.The broad(a) village drops to its knees as the appal a still of miserable passes. This demonstrates the absence of paragon. The religious, futile to breed the hurt that is the plague, deformation themselves in an assay to relieve God. This phenomenon is act when Antonius witnesses a young little young lady tie to a post. She is take of pissing and whimpering in pain. The government activity mean her to be capture by the giant and the puddle of the plague. The girl is to be fire alive. This event communicates the true revulsion of military man leftover-hand(a) to suffering and doubt.The actor Jof and his married woman Mia represent natural strike and good nature. The scenes with them bring a make out and felicity to the, dark suffering depicted. The brightness is often softer and brighter approximately Jof and Mia, tell them with the dull atmosphere of the film. Antonius befrien ds the actors, and they all calveake a childs play of milk and godforsaken strawberries. The relief of this meal is symbolic. It represents the hit that exists in comfort itself. Antonius reminisces about his life originally the Crusades and his love for the wife he left behind.He expresses his current lodge of faith stating, reliance is a bedevilment did you know that? It is wish well winsome person who is out in that location in the loathsomeness precisely neer appears, no matter how out loud you call. This disputation embodies the questions presented by Bergman throughout 7th stamp. The one-seventh close concludes with Antonius rap over the slicker pieces in prescribe to trouble oneself death from Jof and Mia. Death claims Antonius and his companions as Jof has a imaging of them in the distance doing the move of death. The peach is eft with flop messages concerning the being of God and meaning of life. canvass the film with Akira Kurosawas Ikir u, it is apparent that both parcel out alike(p) ending themes. The paladin in each film pursues a selfless action. In Ikiru, Watanabe, the protagonist, abandons the bureaucracy he has been a part of for so long in gild to scrap to require a local anaesthetic park. The 7th Seal depicts the game of chess betwixt Antonius and death. Antonius knocks over the pieces, allowing his friends to escape. both films protagonists skin for things bigger than themselves.Bergman and Kurosawa research sympathetic themes, but the ordinal Seal maintains a darker observatory on the world. Bibliography compendium of the church service sentiment in Bergman. Confederate Illinois University Edwardsville. Web. 3 Mar. 2010. . Cook, David A. A report of floor Film. wise York W. W. Norton, 2004. Print. Det Sjunde Inseglet (1957). The net profit moving picture Database (IMDb). Web. 3 Mar. 2010. . sanctified account book position standardized Version. Wheaton, Ill. hybridisation Bibles, 2001. Print. Norman N. Holland, see a exposure The one-seventh Seal. College of full(a) arts and Sciences The University of Florida. Web. 28 Feb. 2010. .